If you lost your ability to earn an income, you could also lose the lifestyle you’ve worked hard to create. An accident or serious illness can happen to anyone, at any age, leaving your family with less income to pay the mortgage, save for college educations, or plan for retirement.

Disability insurance provides you with an essential income if you experience an illness or injury that prevents you from working. If you don’t think it can happen to you, you should know that an estimated 3 million Canadians will suffer a disability before age 65, and on average, those disabilities last up to 3 years. The impact on your way of life could be devastating because it’s almost impossible to recover from months or years of lost income.

Even if you have coverage at work or qualify for government benefits, it may not be enough. Worker’s Compensation covers only injuries that occur at work, EI Disability benefits stop after 15 weeks, and CPP disability benefits have very stringent qualifications.

Contact one of our Certified Financial Planners to discuss a personal disability plan. Protect your income and preserve your lifestyle.

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